-Found out I was pregnant on June 8, took a pregnancy test because I was having very bizarre dreams, which in hindsight were probably unrelated to being pregnant but I tested positive very early and initally assumed my due date was February 14, 2019. Ultrasound results moved my due date to February 23 instead.

-Nausea and puking again accompanied this pregnancy. It was a little different than Waverly’s pregnancy though as I mostly just felt like I had the stomach flu and was able to hold back my vomiting if I had to or puke on demand if I couldn’t take it anymore. With Waverly, puking was not an option and I would often get so painfully hungry I would puke. No appetite with this baby until about 17 weeks though so that was different for me. Food aversions to all food in general.

-Baby is very low which I could feel on my own but was confirmed at our 20 week anatomy scan. The tech said she may not have gotten all the pictures of baby’s head and brain if my bladder hadn’t been full and pushing her up. I can feel her on my bladder and pelvic floor a lot.

-First felt movement around 15 weeks, occasional flutters.

-Baby won’t move when mom or dad put hands on my belly. Apparently it settles her. She seems a lot less fidgety and moves less than Waverly did. Sometimes I swear I can feel her pulling on the cord as I feel tugging.

– So far in the second trimester she likes to move in early morning hours (midnight to 8 a.m.) and sleep during the day.

– Much more emotional this pregnancy…probably due to the fact that I am still doing childcare full-time at this point and also raising a 2 year old.

-Main goals right now are to get as much sleep as I can so that I can keep my immune system healthy from all the winter crap that will be going around as I do not want to give birth and have a cold, that would be miserable. Also to continue eating well and maintaining recommended weight gain which is a struggle as I get more tired and more hungry


-Last trimester= peeing my pants multiple times a day. 🙄

-Several bouts of puking and heartburn 30 weeks and beyond until baby moved down farther.

-Can see when baby flips from one side to the other as my belly becomes lopsided. I could not see that with Waverly as her placenta was anterior.

-Baby gets hiccups every night around 10 p.m. and moves a lot from 8-10 p.m.

-My tummy measures small so either the baby is on the small side or she is just deep in my pelvis. I am having some trouble feeling comfortable in my clothes but mostly still able to wear my pre-pregnancy leggings and t-shirts.

-We had a lot of illness in our home the last two months of pregnancy and at 36 weeks pregnant I got a sinus infection that completely wiped the life out of me. I was terrified of giving birth. I kept waiting for it to get better by trying to sleep and using humidifiers but it never did. I had never had a sinus infection before so I didn’t catch on right away that it was more than a cold. It was physically brutal and I couldn’t always sleep when I needed to bc of Waverly. Finally I consulted my doctor and brought up my fears of going into labor in this state and at 37 weeks I started a steroid and antibiotic that cleared everything up within a week or so. I am so grateful for God’s timing as I did not have to labor and deliver in that state.